Ep 070 – Quadrilateral Cowboy (When Do I Get My Ding)

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Steve opens doors he isn’t meant to and is distracted by rich surroundings. And, of course, we google for definitions of terms.

Other mentions include; geometry (branch of mathematics), Auld Lang Syne (song), Thirty Flights of Loving, Grim Fandango, Clair De Lune (song), Scooby Doo (film series), Chef’s Table (tv series), Stranger Things (tv series), Netflix Originals, Smashmouth (band), Revolver (album), Alien Isolation (game), Boogie Nights (film), Jazzpunk, Call of Duty (series), Pulp Fiction (film), Oculus Rift, The Matrix (film), Shrek (series), Terminal, Bash, Clippy (character), Javascript, Ghostbusters (film), TIS-100, Superhot, Hamilton (play)